Go On, Take the Money and Run...
OK, well maybe not for all of us, of course. The information is finally hitting the floor, as far as the special attrition package is concerned. We as a union are all faced with, what is probably the most difficult decisions of our lives. Do I stay or do I go?
To all of you that are eligible to take any of the retirement options, congratulations, and thank you. Thanks for helping to build the company that those of us who are left hope to be able to retire from further on down the road. Thanks for instilling in (some of) us a pride in whatever job we happen to hold, from the labor gang, to the trades, to the NTBUs on the floor and in the offices. Surely there will be many a tearful retirement party in the departments, as well as overcrowded 5:05s at the local taverns (where do you want yours, Dad?). You will be missed.
To the younger ones among us that will take the buyout to start anew, good luck and God's speed on your new direction in life. Look upon this as an opportunity to do what you've always dreamed of (within reason, you freaks!). Don't forget us when you're gone (especially if you become rich and famous...).
Now, for those of us who stay, hang on to your ass, because, it's probably going to suck around here for quite a while. We are going to be innundated with more rumors and general bullshit on the shop floor as we wait to see what our negotiators bring us. No matter how tense it gets, remember one thing, we're all in the same boat. And there are rats. And a couple of holes in the bow. We must stand together, and, above all, we must be strong.
No matter what decision you choose to make, take your time in making it. Go see a financial planner (hell, there were a couple of them advertising free consultations in this month's union newspaper). Talk to your family. Talk to God. Try, as best you can, to base your decision on facts, not fear.
Good luck to us all...
To all of you that are eligible to take any of the retirement options, congratulations, and thank you. Thanks for helping to build the company that those of us who are left hope to be able to retire from further on down the road. Thanks for instilling in (some of) us a pride in whatever job we happen to hold, from the labor gang, to the trades, to the NTBUs on the floor and in the offices. Surely there will be many a tearful retirement party in the departments, as well as overcrowded 5:05s at the local taverns (where do you want yours, Dad?). You will be missed.
To the younger ones among us that will take the buyout to start anew, good luck and God's speed on your new direction in life. Look upon this as an opportunity to do what you've always dreamed of (within reason, you freaks!). Don't forget us when you're gone (especially if you become rich and famous...).
Now, for those of us who stay, hang on to your ass, because, it's probably going to suck around here for quite a while. We are going to be innundated with more rumors and general bullshit on the shop floor as we wait to see what our negotiators bring us. No matter how tense it gets, remember one thing, we're all in the same boat. And there are rats. And a couple of holes in the bow. We must stand together, and, above all, we must be strong.
No matter what decision you choose to make, take your time in making it. Go see a financial planner (hell, there were a couple of them advertising free consultations in this month's union newspaper). Talk to your family. Talk to God. Try, as best you can, to base your decision on facts, not fear.
Good luck to us all...
At 6/20/2006 9:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
I will hath spake, my comments taken for what they are...some thoughts on recent observations.
Take the buyout or not? The union and Company will almost certainly trickle out tiny bits of info and rumors to those who will run with them. The shop floor as their unassailible means of miscommunicating. I believe a lot of rumors come right out of that office, as they have for years. Here's my version of what's going down - for what it's worth.
They dangle an early retirement and GM pension for those who are eligible - no problem, they've earned it. But here's the kicker...the 140G for the rest of us is Steve Miller's thing - since he can't get the judge to quickly toss the contract and its inherent wages and lifetime jobs, etc, here's what the buyout represents: each employee now has the oppotunity to reject the contract personally! Didn't think we'd catch on, did ya Delphi?? Well, that's why I'm here and will be trumpeting the news all over the place, like it or not. When Miller sees the thousands taking these incentives, his job gets easier, voila! ( A little French, merci!). Having said that, I am considering the buyout myself. Not convinced at all that there will be anything here in two years. Or any kind of job worth a shit. See? Those geniuses in management think we're all stupid. Well, at least I ain't.
They won't say yet what we'd be working for, wages, of course. This will get ugly with the rumors and accusations. Get ready, hold on...heading up that first hill...the Delphi coaster is just starting!
At 6/22/2006 7:28 PM,
Spencemo said…
Well, I just made myself a pot of House Blend (mmmm...Starbucks), so I feel ready to write again. I agree with you completely. They can't get it done in court, so they're offering us a chunk of change to do their dirty work for them. Maybe it's the Bailey's talking, but I hold out a tiny bit of hope that this bloodletting will help to bring new business here. I know that I'm probably full of shit, but, if we don't have hope, what do we have?
At 6/22/2006 9:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yer simply full of some bizarre European Starbucks flavor that most Plant 15 veterans wouldn't recognize as real coffee. Scorch that Maxwell House! (and a shot o' mud for the lady...!).
Indeed, I haven't stumbled across many forward thinkers in the past few days, but a lot of good folk seem to be completely stunned, for lack of a better word. No one wants to commit to leaving, but can't make the argument for staying. Oh well, hoist a huge Starbucks, let the caffeine do it's magic! At least my father smelled of elderberries.
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