Welcome, New Visitors...
It seems that I am getting some increased traffic around here (thanks to Jim for the link on his site). If you are new to my little slice of heaven, welcome! You'll find some links to the right to look for information. Make sure that you read the disclaimer at the top of the page that pretty much states that this humble little site is all just my opinion (unless otherwise indicated).
Take a look around and get comfortable!
Take a look around and get comfortable!
At 7/27/2006 1:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Dawn, I'm sure it was just an oversight, but you forgot the link to the Republican National Committee.
Guess Who!
At 7/27/2006 9:36 AM,
Spencemo said…
Thanks, Joyce...I'll be placing a link to yours as soon as I get the chance!
To my little Republican Friend...It wasn't an oversight...my mouse doesn't go that far to the right!
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