Spencemo for Hire: The Bitch is Back!

NOTE: This website is neither endorsed or sponsored by IUE-CWA Local 717. And, since I took the buyout, I guess neither am I!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

101 Ways to Beat a Dead Horse...

Well, as we trudge through the quagmire of this year's election, we seem to be having no problem finding the deepest, darkest corners of Crap Jungle. Case in point, Mike Coe's second leaflet. Now, you'll notice that I haven't 'endorsed' a candidate for District 5, and that's because, well, I'm in District 6 (kind of a no brainer, if you think about it). But, if I were to 'endorse' someone in that race, it would be Rob Nichols, because, he sounds like he really wants the job, instead of like he's just running to try to help someone else out (you know who).

Now, the way Mike has this leaflet broken up makes my job much easier this time around. Let's take it section-by-section, shall we?

Qualified and Experienced

Okey dokey, Mike prattles on about the various things he's been appointed to over the past 12 years, and they sound a lot like the positions that every candidate in every race have either been appointed or elected to. Not impressive by any means.

The First Issue

In this, the 'first' issue, Mike brings up a 'bogus' leaflet that supposedly came from Andy. The one, true statement made here is 'bogus'. Andy didn't write that leaflet. Let me repeat that for the mentally challenged among us...ANDY DIDN'T WRITE THAT LEAFLET. And, being the good union person that he is, he also won't throw someone else under the bus with management (anything you'd like to share, Glenn? Ray??) to clear the whole matter up. The fact that you, Glenn, and Ray keep spreading the crap on the floor only serves to undermine our Shop Chairman.

The Second Issue

Mike states in this the 'second' issue, that "This bankruptcy jeopardizes all of our futures". Thanks for the update Captain Obvious. Andy "refuses" to work with the Bargaining Committee? Are you kidding me? That's just too funny to comment on. Mike further states "This is no time for politics that divide this membership from our bargainers". You're correct there, but Andy isn't the one you should be telling that to. Hang a left on Sferra, and take that one straight to the hall.

The Third Issue

Or, as I like to call it "The Twilight Zone" (do do do do, do do do do). Mike outlines this dreamland scenario where the real reason (tee hee) Rob is running for Committeeman is so that if Andy loses, and Rob wins, he'll resign so that Andy can have the chance to get his position back. I think we all know it doesn't work that way, no need to explain it any further.

In Closing

Well, it looks like Glenn has taught Mike well. Nothing like putting charges that could get someone disciplined by management in a leaflet. You may not have family in high places, Mike, but you do seem to think you have friends there.

Well, that's all for today, my peeps...



  • At 5/16/2006 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You make many good points, of course, as we all know Mike is simply Glenn's puppet. Mike's peculiar brand of bombast is eerily reminiscent of Team Munger. Tomorrow should bring an interesting tirade from Glenn via his latest pile of filth, er, campaign flyer. He'll be throwing his version of heavy, desperate artillery at all who are in oppositon, namely everyone, and look pathetic in doing so, with Dick Cheney Placer as his dimwitted sidekick. Let's send him into remission, or better yet, retirement. Let's support Andy, Kathy, and Rob. Let's return to common sense, normalcy, and decency. Let's work toward our future at Delphi, and I hope like hell there IS one. Good day from the frontlines in Plant 15...

  • At 5/16/2006 5:54 PM, Blogger Spencemo said…

    Well, I'll be ready to take on whatever he slings tomorrow...

  • At 5/16/2006 10:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ah, you are always up to the challenge! It would be downright funny, if the stakes weren't so high, to face the daily barrage of half-truths and innuendoes with a mere shrug and a "what the hell". We all try to keep our attitudes up as we are facing changes which certainly seem imminent. The Silly Season is about over, then we can return to our crushing, sleep-robbing apprehension. Here's to turning a Starbucks bottom-up and dodging the Plant 15 political nonsense!

  • At 5/17/2006 5:27 AM, Blogger Spencemo said…



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