Chuckie's First Leaflet...
As each day passes, the stinky brown matter on the shop floor seems to get just a bit deeper. Exhibit A: Chuck Brewster's first leaflet. Long about paragraph four, Ol' Chuckie says that he is running for committeeman because, in his words, "I am disgusted (o mon dieu!), like many of you, with the lack of representation we have received from our current committeeman, Kathy Cooper". Wow. That's a complete load of crap. Please allow me to elaborate (OK, you really have no choice about that because this is, after all, my website)...
Now, as many of you may know, our union reps that handle NTBUs are given corporate email accounts to help facilitate proper communication with those that they represent. I know, because I've been asked to help coordinate with the Help Desk to get this accomplished for some of the newer reps and after the redistricting. Now, I'm not a betting girl (c'mon seven!), but I'd be willing to place a small wager that the reason "days would pass without her having any calls at all" is because NTBUs handle the majority of their business via email, including placing their union calls directly to Kathy.
Chuck also mentions that "most of the information received by those at the JOBS bank was a result of me passing (that should really be MY passing, it's a gerund phrase, check your grammar lessons) out informational leaflets and answering questions when I wasn't even functioning as committeeman". Well, my first question about that would be, why would you, since you're only an ALTERNATE committeeman, have been given the aforementioned informational leaflets before Kathy? Is that because you're the "inside man" for the hall? And secondly, since you are the alternate committeeman, people are going to ask you questions, even when you're not functioning (I think that's in the fine print of the job description, look closely), because it's generally quicker than putting in a call. I'm almost certain that that is what happens in EVERY DISTRICT, not just district 6.
Keep in mind, my peeps... I feel better. Have a nice weekend!
Now, as many of you may know, our union reps that handle NTBUs are given corporate email accounts to help facilitate proper communication with those that they represent. I know, because I've been asked to help coordinate with the Help Desk to get this accomplished for some of the newer reps and after the redistricting. Now, I'm not a betting girl (c'mon seven!), but I'd be willing to place a small wager that the reason "days would pass without her having any calls at all" is because NTBUs handle the majority of their business via email, including placing their union calls directly to Kathy.
Chuck also mentions that "most of the information received by those at the JOBS bank was a result of me passing (that should really be MY passing, it's a gerund phrase, check your grammar lessons) out informational leaflets and answering questions when I wasn't even functioning as committeeman". Well, my first question about that would be, why would you, since you're only an ALTERNATE committeeman, have been given the aforementioned informational leaflets before Kathy? Is that because you're the "inside man" for the hall? And secondly, since you are the alternate committeeman, people are going to ask you questions, even when you're not functioning (I think that's in the fine print of the job description, look closely), because it's generally quicker than putting in a call. I'm almost certain that that is what happens in EVERY DISTRICT, not just district 6.
Keep in mind, my peeps...
A VOTE FOR BREWSTER IS A VOTE FOR MUNGER! I feel better. Have a nice weekend!
At 5/12/2006 8:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
Bestill my heart: Your blog not only displays an incredible amount of insight combined with spontaneity, but, let's face it, anyone with a working knowledge of how a gerund phrase is properly used has a blog I would deem worthy of reading.
Indeed, union campaign leaflets are generally not the type of documents one would associate with book learnin'. It is my experience that Andy Pappagallo and Kathy Cooper are fine individuals who have done their jobs well. I simply cannot find anyone who thinks Munger is worthy of being a Zone. Note to Glenn: even though you are a lame duck, please, continue that search for the finest coffee beans. While Plant 15 could use a coffee upgrade, so does our Zone position. Adios, and, as always, MMG!!!!!
At 5/12/2006 8:56 PM,
Spencemo said…
Thanks for stopping by!
At 5/13/2006 10:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
While searching this house for the finest coffee, I am stunned at the realization that I won't be starting my Saturday by dodging Munger and his buddy, Dick Cheney. Nor will I have at the ready one of Glenn's flyers in case the Delphi bathroom runs out of 60 grit sandpaper. These two can sling the campaign shit with the best of 'em. Who among us can forget Placer's classic attack on an opponent who "never misses the strippers and lap dances"? I can think of worse ways to spend time. Campaign sludge spews out of these political hacks like an unattended firehouse. Your accuracy is duly noted, as the excrement is certainly piling up on the shop floor. (With a dismissing wave of my hand) Enough of that! Waitress, another cup of that fine hazlenut coffee, please...
Indeed, we will all be facing serious choices in the coming months, perhaps weeks, ahead. Although personal choices and career paths will soon be as divergent as mine and Munger's on an early morn in Plant 15, I shall try to remain above the fray, reclining in my computer chair, feet elevated, coffee at my side (the joy of hazlenut!), attitude positive, trying to smile a little more and take a deep breath...that's better. Relax. This won't hurt a bit! :)
At 5/13/2006 12:05 PM,
Spencemo said…
Well, I do my best to stem the tide of the bastardization of the English language (everyone needs a hobby). But that is the reason that I started this humble little home back in February...I got very tired of hearing Mungerstiltskin spinning gold into crap on the shop floor. Perhaps I've found my calling...
At 5/17/2006 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
At 5/17/2006 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.
At 5/17/2006 1:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
Your website has a useful information for beginners like me.
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