Andy's Second Flyer
Good morning, again, my peeps... here's Andy's second flyer in the Zone II election...
Once again, characteristically, our current Zone II Committeeman, Glenn Munger, seems to want to avoid the issues. He has resorted to his typical mud slinging campaign. As I stated in my first leaflet, I will defend myself against any personal attacks.
In his leaflet, the Zone Committeeman explains that the membership should not elect me because of my lack of experience, failure in communicating with him and his bargaining expertise in light of the bankruptcy filing by Delphi. I would now like to attempt to COMMUNICATE with the membership as to HIS failings as a Zone Committeeman.
In June of 2005, training courses were held for all representatives so that newly elected and established representatives could be educated. This would enable them to share information that would ultimately benefit our membership and to protect them from management.
These classes, scheduled on Saturdays, lasted for two hours. The vast majority of elected representatives attended. They were there early, eagerly willing to learn, except for our Zone Committeeman, Glenn Munger. He always came in late after the classes started, interrupting what was going on, and even had the audacity to fall asleep during one of the sessions.
To his credit, though, he tried to conceal his eyes under his dark sunglasses. Apparently, the glare from the fluorescent lights bothered his eyes. As we all took notes from our training manual, and from our instructor Don Arbogast, he sat their in a comatose state. I hardly think he was meditating, or searching his inner sole for the correct answers to the questions asked.
On September 12 2005, Plant 46 and 15 management sat down with the NTBU’S employed in those plants to prepare them for the reduction in the workforce that was going to happen within the NTBU classification. Management informed the employees why and when this was going to take place. They then stated they would let the effected employees know within the week that were going to be displaced out of a job.
As management fielded questions from the NTBU’S in front of union representatives, including Zone II Committeeman Glenn Munger, emotions began to become tense in the meeting. After the meeting, their Committeeperson along with me assisted some very disturbed and alarmed members in filing Requests For Transfer. What did Zone II Committeeman Glenn Munger do? He quietly slid out the door for the remainder of the day. From 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., GLENN MUNGER WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. Why would you not help support your Committeepersons during this difficult time? Were you afraid you were going to miss the most recent episode of “BIKER BUILD OFF”, or were you hiding at the Union Hall? We the members are sick and tired of no answers and no communication from you! It seems the only communication we ever get, is usually several months before your election. Coincidence, I DO NOT THINK SO!
Beginning in February of this year our Zone II Committeeman miraculously decided to arrive every morning around 6:00 a.m. and pretend to oversee the coffee pot in Plant 15. This coffee pot, managed for years by select members who are responsible for the supplies, the upkeep, the money and donations to multiple charitable organizations throughout the community is the pride of Plant 15. DO YOU REALLY THINK THE MEMBERS OF PLANT 15 CANNOT SEE THROUGH THIS TASTELESS POLITICAL STUNT?
Then, he will proceed over to the Plant 46 coffee pot before the employees of that plant start working, and do the same thing! Where were you before this time? Searching for the finest coffee beans these two facilities have ever seen. Give the membership a break. Year after year, we have seen these same antics from you, and the members of Zone II are dissatisfied and disgusted. Did you ever think, that just for once if you would attempt to put the same effort into upholding your elected responsibilities, and serve the membership of Zone II, instead of resorting to this pathetic and infantile behavior, that you would not have to worry, year after year, at election time.
The current Zone II Committeeman has declared that the worst is yet to come to this membership, and has stated to me that, “ ANDY, WE MIGHT REALLY WANT TO THINK TWICE OF BEING A UNION REPRESENTATIVE WITH THE STUFF THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN AROUND HERE”. Now, wait just one second! Maybe Glenn Munger’s idea of being a Union Representative is to disappear when the heat is on, but it is not mine. I have devoted a good portion of my years at Delphi to representing the membership, and the Union Contract, and I hope to continue doing it, with the membership’s approval, for the NEXT TWENTY TO THIRTY YEARS.
On numerous occasions, Glenn Munger has told members, “WHY WOULD I STAY HERE AND WORK FOR LESS MONEY, THAN IF I WAS RETIRED”. In the next breath, he is telling the members of Zone II that he is not retiring, and is contemplating running for Shop Chairman in this year’s General Election. THE ONLY THING THAT I HAVE TRULY SEEN GLENN MUNGER RUN FOR IS THE BACK DOOR, AND FROM SERVING THIS MEMBERSHIP.
In closing, it has become apparent that Glenn Munger is up to his sleazy old tricks, as usual. He is trying to mislead this membership with outright lies and innuendos. An example of this is that he is telling members of Zone II that I am starting a rumor about him retiring. This is simply not true. He, himself, has started this gossip.
Several years ago, Glenn Munger wrote in one of his leaflets, “that we elect the kind of leaders that we demand and deserve”. He has also stated in the past that, “you are accountable for your actions on the floor”. This membership has seen time and time again, whom he is accountable to, and that is to himself, AND WE DEMAND AND DESERVE BETTER THAN HIM. There are three letters that apply to the present Zone II Committeeman, and that is MMG. MUNGER MUST GO!
Therefore, the choice is up to you, the membership of Zone II. If you are satisfied with the leadership that the current Zone II Committeeman is providing, then, by all means, re-elect him. If you, the membership, CALL FOR and REQUIRE someone who has a clear stake in “OUR” future, then please vote for Andy Pappagallo on May 18 and 19, at our Local 717 Union Hall. Your vote can and will make a difference.
In Solidarity
Andy Pappagallo
I wonder why you are so familiar with that question, Glenn. Is it because when any members from District 5, or management, ask you a question your reply is always, “I DO NOT KNOW, GO ASK ANDY, OR SEE WHAT ANDY THINKS ABOUT IT". The membership of Zone II can ASK ANDY all the questions they want. Andy will have the answers, Glenn Munger will not.
Since our Zone II Committeeman, Glenn Munger, allegedly claims to be a bargainer for IUE-CWA Local 717, I would like to know when he is scheduled to travel to Troy, Michigan for contract negotiations. I have read carefully our National and Local Agreements, from front to back, and have not found his signature anywhere in these legal documents.
Thanks again, Andy...
Once again, characteristically, our current Zone II Committeeman, Glenn Munger, seems to want to avoid the issues. He has resorted to his typical mud slinging campaign. As I stated in my first leaflet, I will defend myself against any personal attacks.
In his leaflet, the Zone Committeeman explains that the membership should not elect me because of my lack of experience, failure in communicating with him and his bargaining expertise in light of the bankruptcy filing by Delphi. I would now like to attempt to COMMUNICATE with the membership as to HIS failings as a Zone Committeeman.
In June of 2005, training courses were held for all representatives so that newly elected and established representatives could be educated. This would enable them to share information that would ultimately benefit our membership and to protect them from management.
These classes, scheduled on Saturdays, lasted for two hours. The vast majority of elected representatives attended. They were there early, eagerly willing to learn, except for our Zone Committeeman, Glenn Munger. He always came in late after the classes started, interrupting what was going on, and even had the audacity to fall asleep during one of the sessions.
To his credit, though, he tried to conceal his eyes under his dark sunglasses. Apparently, the glare from the fluorescent lights bothered his eyes. As we all took notes from our training manual, and from our instructor Don Arbogast, he sat their in a comatose state. I hardly think he was meditating, or searching his inner sole for the correct answers to the questions asked.
On September 12 2005, Plant 46 and 15 management sat down with the NTBU’S employed in those plants to prepare them for the reduction in the workforce that was going to happen within the NTBU classification. Management informed the employees why and when this was going to take place. They then stated they would let the effected employees know within the week that were going to be displaced out of a job.
As management fielded questions from the NTBU’S in front of union representatives, including Zone II Committeeman Glenn Munger, emotions began to become tense in the meeting. After the meeting, their Committeeperson along with me assisted some very disturbed and alarmed members in filing Requests For Transfer. What did Zone II Committeeman Glenn Munger do? He quietly slid out the door for the remainder of the day. From 11:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m., GLENN MUNGER WAS NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. Why would you not help support your Committeepersons during this difficult time? Were you afraid you were going to miss the most recent episode of “BIKER BUILD OFF”, or were you hiding at the Union Hall? We the members are sick and tired of no answers and no communication from you! It seems the only communication we ever get, is usually several months before your election. Coincidence, I DO NOT THINK SO!
Beginning in February of this year our Zone II Committeeman miraculously decided to arrive every morning around 6:00 a.m. and pretend to oversee the coffee pot in Plant 15. This coffee pot, managed for years by select members who are responsible for the supplies, the upkeep, the money and donations to multiple charitable organizations throughout the community is the pride of Plant 15. DO YOU REALLY THINK THE MEMBERS OF PLANT 15 CANNOT SEE THROUGH THIS TASTELESS POLITICAL STUNT?
Then, he will proceed over to the Plant 46 coffee pot before the employees of that plant start working, and do the same thing! Where were you before this time? Searching for the finest coffee beans these two facilities have ever seen. Give the membership a break. Year after year, we have seen these same antics from you, and the members of Zone II are dissatisfied and disgusted. Did you ever think, that just for once if you would attempt to put the same effort into upholding your elected responsibilities, and serve the membership of Zone II, instead of resorting to this pathetic and infantile behavior, that you would not have to worry, year after year, at election time.
The current Zone II Committeeman has declared that the worst is yet to come to this membership, and has stated to me that, “ ANDY, WE MIGHT REALLY WANT TO THINK TWICE OF BEING A UNION REPRESENTATIVE WITH THE STUFF THAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN AROUND HERE”. Now, wait just one second! Maybe Glenn Munger’s idea of being a Union Representative is to disappear when the heat is on, but it is not mine. I have devoted a good portion of my years at Delphi to representing the membership, and the Union Contract, and I hope to continue doing it, with the membership’s approval, for the NEXT TWENTY TO THIRTY YEARS.
On numerous occasions, Glenn Munger has told members, “WHY WOULD I STAY HERE AND WORK FOR LESS MONEY, THAN IF I WAS RETIRED”. In the next breath, he is telling the members of Zone II that he is not retiring, and is contemplating running for Shop Chairman in this year’s General Election. THE ONLY THING THAT I HAVE TRULY SEEN GLENN MUNGER RUN FOR IS THE BACK DOOR, AND FROM SERVING THIS MEMBERSHIP.
In closing, it has become apparent that Glenn Munger is up to his sleazy old tricks, as usual. He is trying to mislead this membership with outright lies and innuendos. An example of this is that he is telling members of Zone II that I am starting a rumor about him retiring. This is simply not true. He, himself, has started this gossip.
Several years ago, Glenn Munger wrote in one of his leaflets, “that we elect the kind of leaders that we demand and deserve”. He has also stated in the past that, “you are accountable for your actions on the floor”. This membership has seen time and time again, whom he is accountable to, and that is to himself, AND WE DEMAND AND DESERVE BETTER THAN HIM. There are three letters that apply to the present Zone II Committeeman, and that is MMG. MUNGER MUST GO!
Therefore, the choice is up to you, the membership of Zone II. If you are satisfied with the leadership that the current Zone II Committeeman is providing, then, by all means, re-elect him. If you, the membership, CALL FOR and REQUIRE someone who has a clear stake in “OUR” future, then please vote for Andy Pappagallo on May 18 and 19, at our Local 717 Union Hall. Your vote can and will make a difference.
In Solidarity
Andy Pappagallo
????????? ASK ANDY ??????????
I wonder why you are so familiar with that question, Glenn. Is it because when any members from District 5, or management, ask you a question your reply is always, “I DO NOT KNOW, GO ASK ANDY, OR SEE WHAT ANDY THINKS ABOUT IT". The membership of Zone II can ASK ANDY all the questions they want. Andy will have the answers, Glenn Munger will not.
Since our Zone II Committeeman, Glenn Munger, allegedly claims to be a bargainer for IUE-CWA Local 717, I would like to know when he is scheduled to travel to Troy, Michigan for contract negotiations. I have read carefully our National and Local Agreements, from front to back, and have not found his signature anywhere in these legal documents.
Thanks again, Andy...
At 5/17/2006 12:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great site lots of usefull infomation here.
At 5/17/2006 1:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.
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