Andy's Fourth "Leaflet"...
Ok, Andy made this a comment to my last post, but I want it on the front page...enjoy.
In a last minute slander attempt to pull votes, my opponent has clearly voided the issues in this campaign and has shown why he indeed “MUST GO”. He assumed there would be no way I could respond to his last leaflet, but due to modern technology, he was once wrong again. I would like to address these so called allegations, so that my reputation remains at stake.
As everyone knows by now, I like to do my job as efficiently as possible. In Plant 15 I designated one of our members to go around and sign individuals up according to a departmental roster. This would guarantee that no one would be missed. This allowed me to take care of my other two facilities to insure it was done in a timely manner. Our Zone Glenn Munger, did not approve of the person I put in charge, I assume for political reasons, and demanded she be removed from signing Plant 15 members up. He instructed me to assign the work to one of this individual’s co-worker instead. When I explained that I did not want to cause any hostility between the employees, he became irate. At the point in time, I told him, I did not have time to “play his games”, and since he does basically nothing all day long, for him to do it.
Who did Andy call when he was “physically grabbed by the throat”? Nobody. It never happened. Another one of Munger’s lies.
Who did Andy call for help when “he was chased by a foreman”? Nobody. It never happened. Munger lies again. I will proudly show anyone my Disciplinary Record, which will reflect, I NEVER HAD TIME OFF. Glenn, can you do the same? NO!
"Why does Andy rotate his car in the parking lot?". Andy doesn’t even have a car. He drives a full size Chevrolet Silverado, that’s why. It been in the same row the last 5 years Munger lies again.
8:13 PM
In a last minute slander attempt to pull votes, my opponent has clearly voided the issues in this campaign and has shown why he indeed “MUST GO”. He assumed there would be no way I could respond to his last leaflet, but due to modern technology, he was once wrong again. I would like to address these so called allegations, so that my reputation remains at stake.
As everyone knows by now, I like to do my job as efficiently as possible. In Plant 15 I designated one of our members to go around and sign individuals up according to a departmental roster. This would guarantee that no one would be missed. This allowed me to take care of my other two facilities to insure it was done in a timely manner. Our Zone Glenn Munger, did not approve of the person I put in charge, I assume for political reasons, and demanded she be removed from signing Plant 15 members up. He instructed me to assign the work to one of this individual’s co-worker instead. When I explained that I did not want to cause any hostility between the employees, he became irate. At the point in time, I told him, I did not have time to “play his games”, and since he does basically nothing all day long, for him to do it.
On Friday April 21st I scheduled a half vacation, weeks in advance with my Alternate in order to take my two children to the circus as part of my son, turning 5 years old, birthday present. Before I left, me and my Alternate spent over and hour with the General foreman in Plant 46 to resolve the issue. Meetings were scheduled for the following Monday and Tuesday with the appropriate individuals in attempt to resolve the issues. Since it involved multiple shifts, the Zone Committeeman, NOT I was in charge and handle the situation accordingly. Feel free to ask the employees in Plant 46 the outcome of the situation. ALL BARK AND NO BITE
Who did Andy call when he was “physically grabbed by the throat”? Nobody. It never happened. Another one of Munger’s lies.
Who did Andy call for help when “he was chased by a foreman”? Nobody. It never happened. Munger lies again. I will proudly show anyone my Disciplinary Record, which will reflect, I NEVER HAD TIME OFF. Glenn, can you do the same? NO!
"Why does Andy rotate his car in the parking lot?". Andy doesn’t even have a car. He drives a full size Chevrolet Silverado, that’s why. It been in the same row the last 5 years Munger lies again.
In closing, All Glenn’s Elections revolve around the same thing, never the issues, constant personal attacks. It is impossible to run a clean campaign against him. Hopefully this will be the last one for everybody.
Andy Pappagallo8:13 PM
At 5/17/2006 10:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
This should not serve as a farewell to Andy, but a goodbye and good riddance to Munger. Take your sludge and peddle it elsewhere, preferably in retirement. In spite of Glenn and his sidekick Cheney roaming the aisles of Plant 15, Andy should fare quite well in the election. Munger is desperate and far more adept at election lunacy and LYING than he is given credit for. I know that he was told numerous times where to jam that rediculous flyer he was throwing around this afternoon. Adios to Munger and his foolishness. We can't wait for this shit to stop. Vote Andy, always a fine gentleman! And Glenn, drink your coffee at home, under that rock that you ocassionally venture out from under. The people in your Zone are SICK of your bullshit!
Goodnight all, rest well...
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