I'm Having Deja Vu...
For today's entry, I was just going to post the latest Q & A that was distributed, but, I have a few things to say first (shocking, I know). At a time when information is CRITICAL to this membership, why, oh why, is the hall still playing stupid, immature political games? The newest Q & A is at the very center of these games. This document was created a week ago, however, the hall never gave it to the reps for distribution (they got it from Labor Relations today, mind you, not the hall), all the while wanting to know why they hadn't handed them out yet. Now, how can one be expected to pass out information that they don't have?
Oh, and about those questions and answers...they all seemed vaguely familiar to me...could it be because they had already been posted (unofficially, of course) on Jimmy's web site, in a conversation with Mark Cashdollar? So, either Jimmy has some good information on his website, or he's a fucking psychic. Either way, his site is not the bunch of shit that the hall told him it was.
Now that I'm done running off at the keyboard...here's the latest Q & A...
A. Eligibility for Unemployment Compensation is determined by the State of Ohio. It would be Delphi’s intent to challenge any payment of unemployment compensation related to employees taking the buyout.
Q2. If I take the buyout will I receive Trade Readjustment Act consideration?
A. Consideration for Trade Readjustment benefits is not automatic. Employees or the Union may petition the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and request the benefits. Eligibility is determined solely by the DOL, and Delphi will cooperate with the DOL as they review any requests.
Q3. If I decided not to participate in the attrition package, and I did not have enough seniority to hold one of the 1,033 jobs, what would happen to me?
A. Management has proposed to the Union to eliminate the current job security provisions. In the case where the job security provisions were eliminated, employees not required would be indefinitely laid-off.
Q4. If I was indefinitely laid-off, would I receive State Unemployment compensation?
A. Yes – provided you meet the criteria established by the State of Ohio.
Q5. How much would I receive from State Unemployment?
A. Approximately $330 per week for 26 weeks for an employee with no dependents. The total amount for the 26 weeks would be approximately $8,600.
Q6. What happens after the 26 weeks?
A. You would not receive additional Unemployment Compensation unless your eligibility status were to change
Q7. If I decided not to participate in the attrition package and were eventually laid-off would I receive Supplemental Unemployment Benefits (SUB) under the 2003 Delphi / IUE-CWA National Agreement?
A. Management has proposed to the Union to eliminate the SUB provisions.
Q8. If management is successful in eliminating the job security and the supplemental unemployment benefit provisions of the agreement, I would only receive State Unemployment compensation in the event of an indefinite lay-off?
A. Yes – If you were eligible for UC you would receive approximately $330/week for 26 weeks or around $8,600 (an individual with no dependents).
Q9. If I decided not to participate in the attrition package and were eventually laid-off, could I at that time elect to participate in the attrition package?
A. The last day to elect one of the options of the attrition package is Wednesday, August 9th. Form A and B must be returned to Hourly Personnel by 5:00 pm.
There, now don't you feel more informed? Unofficially, of course...
Oh, and about those questions and answers...they all seemed vaguely familiar to me...could it be because they had already been posted (unofficially, of course) on Jimmy's web site, in a conversation with Mark Cashdollar? So, either Jimmy has some good information on his website, or he's a fucking psychic. Either way, his site is not the bunch of shit that the hall told him it was.
Now that I'm done running off at the keyboard...here's the latest Q & A...
Follow-up Questions and Answers
Special Attrition Program
Dated June 16, 2006
Special Attrition Program
Dated June 16, 2006
Q1. If I take the buyout will I be eligible for State Unemployment?A. Eligibility for Unemployment Compensation is determined by the State of Ohio. It would be Delphi’s intent to challenge any payment of unemployment compensation related to employees taking the buyout.
Q2. If I take the buyout will I receive Trade Readjustment Act consideration?
A. Consideration for Trade Readjustment benefits is not automatic. Employees or the Union may petition the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and request the benefits. Eligibility is determined solely by the DOL, and Delphi will cooperate with the DOL as they review any requests.
Q3. If I decided not to participate in the attrition package, and I did not have enough seniority to hold one of the 1,033 jobs, what would happen to me?
A. Management has proposed to the Union to eliminate the current job security provisions. In the case where the job security provisions were eliminated, employees not required would be indefinitely laid-off.
Q4. If I was indefinitely laid-off, would I receive State Unemployment compensation?
A. Yes – provided you meet the criteria established by the State of Ohio.
Q5. How much would I receive from State Unemployment?
A. Approximately $330 per week for 26 weeks for an employee with no dependents. The total amount for the 26 weeks would be approximately $8,600.
Q6. What happens after the 26 weeks?
A. You would not receive additional Unemployment Compensation unless your eligibility status were to change
Q7. If I decided not to participate in the attrition package and were eventually laid-off would I receive Supplemental Unemployment Benefits (SUB) under the 2003 Delphi / IUE-CWA National Agreement?
A. Management has proposed to the Union to eliminate the SUB provisions.
Q8. If management is successful in eliminating the job security and the supplemental unemployment benefit provisions of the agreement, I would only receive State Unemployment compensation in the event of an indefinite lay-off?
A. Yes – If you were eligible for UC you would receive approximately $330/week for 26 weeks or around $8,600 (an individual with no dependents).
Q9. If I decided not to participate in the attrition package and were eventually laid-off, could I at that time elect to participate in the attrition package?
A. The last day to elect one of the options of the attrition package is Wednesday, August 9th. Form A and B must be returned to Hourly Personnel by 5:00 pm.
There, now don't you feel more informed? Unofficially, of course...
At 8/03/2006 7:01 PM,
Spencemo said…
You got that right, Dad. The way the current administration is handling the information sharing is an absolute disgrace.
At 8/03/2006 7:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't deal in speculation, I see what's happening on the shop floor, from plant 10 all the way up to 15. Its disgusting. And its very real. I never thought I'd see the membership turn on it's leadership, but this is the atmosphere we work in daily. I believe the union is trying to quell a fullscale revolt. I lost faith, not in our representation, but in the mindset that prevails at the union hall. They aren't evil, but we aren't being told the rules of the game being played...and its no game. The politics make me sick.
When Miller filed in court, we should have, at that very moment, filed right out the door, on strike, lead by our shop chairman. Too late now.
How many 94's will hold off filing now? Good luck to everyone, including our forgotten friends in the jobs bank. I'll sign up to go, I guess, on Monday. Give me the cash, Delphi and the union can continue their pissing match without me.
At 8/05/2006 4:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
You'll be fine. The unions started to become insignificant in the 70's so they had to persuade folks they couldn't do well without them. The union mentality robs people of their individuality. Many times I've been thankful to have a union, but ultimately it doesn't define who I am. You will do just fine for your children. And so will I.
Spencemo-Steve Miller was hired to do a job. Like it or not, the people he reports to, those comprising the board, are appreciative of his efforts. Our union, on the other hand, has not met the expectations of their bosses-us. Both local and international leaders have failed everyone miserably. Once they allowed the spin-off, I believe it was set in stone. But at least they could provide us with every speck of information conceivable.
In my opinion, they are far worse than our executives. We've always known what to expect from management. They've never campaigned for our trust.
At 8/05/2006 4:55 PM,
Spencemo said…
They don't want to give us any information, and the best reason I can get is that they are afraid of being sued. BFD. It is the union's responsibility and obligation to provide us with any and all information that they have, and they are a MISERABLE FAILURE.
At 8/06/2006 1:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Those in favor of Class-Action Lawsuit against said miserable failure, IUE-CWA, spread the word. At least, I figure, they owe us every cent of dues we've paid into their pyramid scheme. Not gonna need such a big union hall anymore. I say we sell it and split the dough. They can go back to WGH Auditorium. There's no way those JOKES at the union hall should be able to sit back in their life boats, watch us drowning, then sail off into a sunset that we paid for. You listening Don, Gary? How do you sleep at night?
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