I Thought I'd Take a Look Around...
For example, from my "The Bitch is Back" post back in June, this little nugget of love was left for me in September...
Anonymous said...
You know for someone that complains as much as you
do!You sure go back to suck the delphi tit every chance you get.If its so bad do
what the other 3,000 plus ex delphi workers are doing and shutup and move on if
its so bad.Or got to work shut your mouth and do your job with a smile on your
face.Because it seems to me your not qualified to do much else than to bitch and
moan about getting paid from the very people you complain about
3:34 PM
Well, that's kind of blunt, eh? Could this be an old nemesis returning to get in just one more shot? How about a fellow buyout participant who is angry about the fact that I, and some others, have been asked to return? Don't know, don't care. Not to mention, the last time I checked, there was a whole bunch of ex-Delphi employees who were out sabre-rattling at Mosquito Lake. Didn't sound like they were shutting up and moving on themselves.
Perhaps, Mr. (or Ms.) Anonymous, you should do yourself a favor and brush up on your grammar; that way, the next time you decide to lash out at someone in one form of print or another, you don't look like an uneducated buffoon.
At 12/10/2007 2:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow. This shouldn't be puzzling after a casual second glance. Didn't you wrk with those types daily? I did. Delphi was full of them. Also good people as well. But to be as grammatically incorrect as that writer, please...Dollar General called, and he's fired.
At 12/12/2007 9:03 AM,
Spencemo said…
I'm not puzzled...I did work with a lot of good people. The assholes were usually louder, though...
At 12/17/2007 12:16 AM,
Anonymous said…
Enjoy reading your comments
At 12/28/2007 7:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Fear not. The future will bring what it brings. Sage advice...
At 1/03/2008 12:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
This guy Al's probably still at Delphi complaining daily about his situation. Hey, buddy, come over to the dark side for about 8 an hour...
At 1/04/2008 1:10 PM,
Spencemo said…
Hey, 8 bucks an hour is more than I make at Starbucks, but then it's Starbucks for Pete's sake! I GET FREE COFFEE!!! WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
At 2/07/2008 11:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
The delphi tit. That's hilarious!
At 7/18/2008 8:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
I don't knoe why people so mean to you. Don't make sense.
At 8/28/2008 4:58 AM,
Anonymous said…
More deliberate misinfo...probly a bush voter or even mickain.
At 8/05/2010 6:12 AM,
Excavator Hire said…
Thanks for sharing this useful information with us.
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