Spencemo for Hire: The Bitch is Back!

NOTE: This website is neither endorsed or sponsored by IUE-CWA Local 717. And, since I took the buyout, I guess neither am I!

Friday, October 06, 2006

What's in the (Union) News...

OK, so I was reading the October edition of our Union News, and, I being the opinionated sort, had a few things to say about what I read in the Vice President's report...

And he writes...
"Secondly, Local 717 filed the petition with the Department of Labor for training (TRA) and (ATAA) and have been calling almost daily on the outcome..."

OK, first, let's give everyone a heads up from the Department of Labor's website about what all the letters in this alphabet soup really mean...

Trade Readjustment Allowances

TRA - Trade Readjustment Allowances are income support to persons who have exhausted Unemployment compensation and whose jobs were affected by foreign imports.


The Federal Trade Act provides special benefits under the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program to those who were laid off or had hours reduced because their employer was adversely affected by increased imports from other countries. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) provides special benefits under the NAFTA Transitional Adjustment Assistance (NAFTA-TAA) program to those who were laid off or had hours reduced because their employer was adversely affected by increased imports from Mexico or Canada or because their employer shifted production to either of these countries. These benefits include paid training for a new job, and financial help in making a job search in other areas or relocation to an area where jobs are more plentiful. Those who qualify may be entitled to weekly TRA after their unemployment compensation is exhausted.

So what that means is TRA = money after unemployment benefits run out and TAA = benefits including training funds, and possibly money for a job search and relocation to where the jobs are.

Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA) Program Benefits

Alternative Trade Adjustment Assistance (ATAA) program benefits are provided as an alternative to the benefits offered under the regular TAA program. Participation in ATAA allows older workers, for whom retraining may not be appropriate, to accept reemployment at a lower wage and receive a wage subsidy.

So, ATAA = benefits for displaced old farts to get 'em a lower paying job and some cash to boost thier wages. Click on the links above for the complete details on these programs. You're welcome.

And he writes...
"It is very easy for the Monday morning quarterback to say what should have been done or post their rhetoric on some website, when they have no clue on what they are talking about. Especially when they have never been in the game."

So, just who is he talking about, Jimmy, Joyce, or me? Well, since it's election time, it could be in reference to Jimmy's sites, since he's running against home girl Donna for Kevin's current job. I can't see his going after Joyce, so maybe, just maybe, it's me. After all, it wouldn't be the first time he's slammed this site in the Union News, and it probably won't be the last. I will answer his comment, though.

Other than during the elections, when I was being highly political in my postings in order to help bring about change to my Zone, I don't fool with that shit too much...it bores me. I created this site back in February to try to provide some good information to the people I work with, since the previous Zone had a habit of making stuff up as he went along. I resent the accusation of being a 'Monday morning quarterback', for the simple reason that how can any of us really try to say what should have been done when we don't seem to get enough 'official' information to know what's going on half of the time anyway?!

And he writes...
"I am not against having a local union website, where factual information can be given to the membership."

First off, we already do have an official local union website, however, I don't think that it's been updated since 2002. Secondly, you're in luck! Websites just like mine are available absolutely free courtesy of sites like Blogger (my host) and Blogdrive (the former home for my personal blog). Running a blog takes almost no time to maintain at places like these, and, like I said, they're free. So go ahead, dive right in.

And he writes...
"Don't allow the Monday morning quarterbacks to drag you into their web."

Well, all I have to say about that is, come to the Dark Side...We've got cookies...



  • At 10/09/2006 2:35 PM, Blogger JimMartinJr said…

    I wasn't too mad about the article. I have to say, however, that the "Monday morning quarterback" comment isn't an accurate tag to try and stick on my head. I don't know to this day who Kevin was referring to. I consider myself a Sunday morning advisor, a pain in the buttocks, or a monkeywrench but not a Monday morning quarterback.

    As a matter of fact, go visit each member of eboard (listed in newsletter) and ask them how many times I pleaded for the union to pressure Delphi to give us a commitment to report attrition numbers. I also had private discussions with our officials about my feeling that people on the floor expected more communication; that the memberships expectations were different the what the union believed their duties were. This was all before the July info meeting. So, "Monday morning quarterback" isn't a fair characterization of me nor the comments on my website. I don't believe that those words were all Kevin's anyway.

  • At 10/09/2006 3:21 PM, Blogger Spencemo said…

    Well, first off, if the words aren't his, he shouldn't claim them as his own.

    Secondly, I would assume the whole "Monday morning quarterback" is another shot at me, especially once you add the "Especially when they have never even been in the game." crack on top of it. I look at it like this...I pay my dues, and have for almost 13 years...that makes me in the game as far as I'm concerned.

  • At 10/12/2006 12:55 AM, Blogger JimMartinJr said…

    Please forgive me for stretching the topic relatedness welcome mat, if you will.

    Point of Clarification
    Jim Martin Jr’s Resume

    I understand that some officials are reacting defensively to my resume. It’s one thing to get a brow beating from a person that you meant to criticize but it’s really troubling to get the riot act from someone you admire. I made mention of pension calls going unanswered for weeks using a comparison chart to validate my complaints. Without demonstrating the contrast I’m just another politician pulling things out of the air to earn cheap votes. My platform is this: I’m as disappointed as you are. I heard the frantic messages every day. However, I mistakenly left room for misunderstanding by venting my complaints without assigning blame. Frank should have been given help, and with the right amount of foresight enough benefit reps could have been trained in time to help. Frank Murray was one person representing 2000 potential retirees. I regret that I didn’t spell out WHY seven pages of union calls went unanswered “for weeks.” I offered several times this year to come in on my own time for training. I believe that only “select” reps got pension training and I was denied training because the Hall thought I was running for president. Knowledge is power.

    Why would I criticize Frank Murray. He was the one that gave me the back-alley training. He was the guy that let me call him at home for answers to pension questions. My disappointment has been building up, and I realize now that portions of my long yellow leaflet were maybe a bit misplaced. I just can’t keep it in folks. If I know something can be done better and faster, I cannot bite my tongue. I will not be squelched anymore. The entire division was told that benefit reps would be beefed up to help with buyout and retirement calls, and that offices would be made available. NEVER HAPPENED ON PM TURN. But many of you didn’t know that, just like you may have not known that Frank Murray didn’t have the help that he needed.

    Am I “self directed?” It appears so; I’m certainly not being directed. I directed myself to change the outgoing benefit recorder message to inform those calling in that we were getting 100 calls a day. I directed myself to create a website to help people and pickup the slack. My criticism was expressed professionally and it was only about union representation or the lack there of. I’m not concerned about campaign “support” at the cost of improvement. Political bartering is why we’re dysfunctional to begin with. I’m either going to improve this union from office or from the floor. One thing is for sure. I WILL NEVER LET WHAT HAPPENED IN THOSE 45 DAYS …HAPPEN AGAIN.
    Frank Murray is one of few that will speak his mind and vote his mind, and I think he’ll make a great Executive Board Member. I’m very sorry that my words were not as specific as they could have been.

  • At 10/12/2006 1:08 AM, Blogger JimMartinJr said…

    One more thing: I'm not going to spend $150 on leaflets everytime a politician says I bet the deed to the hall on Black 23. I'll address the propaganda at http://717election.blogspot.com/

    PS the time stamping is 3 hours off. It's 1am.

  • At 10/12/2006 8:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Again it is left to me to lead by example...here is another political season and get ready for lousy flyers and nonsense, personal attacks and gibberish. Take a deep breath, friends and try to remember that while at work, lame ducks like us who are leaving actually do wish those who are staying the best of luck; however, if I even faintly believed in the direction this company's heading , I for damn sure would have stayed.
    I don't want to rant about what a joke my own union has become - there are plenty of honest, hard working union members on the floor. There is simply too much political poison intertwined with their overinflated sense of self-worth. Anyone can be replaced, as the jobs leave and won't be coming back. I have a bad feeling about those who stayed, I hope all goes well. I just don't believe that will be the case. I trust this company as much as I trust union campaign flyers.

  • At 10/13/2006 10:57 AM, Blogger JimMartinJr said…

    Be more specific Hypno.

    You know it drives me nuts when my stupid DVD player won't work like it's supposed to. Fortunately I can just crack it open, look at it, and fix it. I don't even need a vote. However when my union is broke I can't crack it open, I need the majority of votes first to get myself in position. I'm not going to feel self concious about participating in the democratic election process.

    You would have to walk in my shoes to understand why I have to use paper and words to put myself on a mountain. Because after the real politicians get done beating me over the head with their tales from the Plantet Mars, I'm going to end up at ground level. You have to sell yourself my friend so that you don't end up in a hole when it comes time for everyone to vote.
    You say political poisen I say tomatoe.

  • At 10/13/2006 4:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Another day on the shop floor and it gets more depressing with the folks flocking out the door. More each week.
    Jim - my comments weren't meant to be about you specifically; indeed, you come across as an intelligent, level-headed person whose opinions are well stated and articulate. You've been around long enough to know how we feel about elections - necessary but annoying.
    In any event, the morale is decling rapidly in the non-core areas, where apathy rules. We're feel like we're on autopilot now, going through the motions, although they are well paid motions.
    I believe you'd do well if elected, Jim!

  • At 10/16/2006 11:50 AM, Blogger JimMartinJr said…

    Well, I appreciate the kind words. Thank you. I want to thank Dawn as well, for letting me post comments about my campaign at her blog.

    I found a Xerox of my Tribune Picture hanging on the back of the benefit office door down the Hall. There were some comments written over top of the original article. Something about a free trip. After crying myself to sleep and doing some soul searching I thought that it would only be appropriate to play along and add to the graffiti. I referenced the old Dire Straits song "money for nothing and your chicks for free." I'm a sarcastic wise ass.

    For the record, although union reps sometimes bring their significant other or son to Conferences, it doesn't cost 1 penny of union dues. (as if the membership would allow that) Whether or not you stay alone in a hotel room or you bring your pet Gorilla, the cost is the same. As a matter of fact I saved the local over $300.00 staying with my wife's family.
    You see why I'm on the defensive. The next thing you know they'll jam my hydraulic chair under my desk. OH, that's right they've already done that.
    The innocent victim hats aren't fitting.

    For those staying I found this article to be hopeful.

  • At 10/16/2006 3:34 PM, Blogger Spencemo said…

    I can just picture you, slumped on the couch with a pint of Ben & Jerry's to console yourself...

    OK, not really, I just wanted to remind you that I am the wise ass in charge of this here blog! :)

  • At 10/17/2006 11:46 AM, Blogger JimMartinJr said…

    You got it! I'll just be like the wise ass guest on your wise ass talk show.

    How do you get pictures to post in your blog? I've went through the process but the pictures never show.

  • At 10/31/2006 10:44 AM, Blogger JimMartinJr said…


    Thanks for you post at the 717election blogsite Dawn. Yes, cake is yummy. As a matter of fact one of the two things I'd like to do, if elected, is negotiate better distribution of little debby cakes in our AVI machines. The Zebra Star Cakes, for example, are few in far between relative to the number of Hostess King Dongs stocked daily.
    Those Zebra cakes are heavenly.

    The other initiative is to get rid of all those double sided yellow drinking faucets in the plants. That bar gets in the way and the pressures set way to high. I always end up getting shot in the eye with water.

    Here's some material for ya...

  • At 11/01/2006 4:41 PM, Blogger Spencemo said…

    Actually, I'm kind of partial to the Ding Dongs myself (OK, Dad & Poopy, keep the remarks to yourselves!). Or, if you have a really good memory, King Dons, which is what they used to be called. Did you download the 'Hello' software for your pictures? That's what I use to put pictures up here.

    I saw the pictures you put on Buyout.com...that's some funny stuff. I may just comment on that later.


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