Spencemo for Hire: The Bitch is Back!

NOTE: This website is neither endorsed or sponsored by IUE-CWA Local 717. And, since I took the buyout, I guess neither am I!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

A New Benefit on the Way...

Howdy, all...

I saw this article in the Detroit News today, and it tells of a new benefit that both GM & Delphi are going to offer their employees in the near future.

GM to offer Roth 401(k) plan

New benefit program at GM, Delphi will allow diversified savings and limited tax liabilities.

Brett Clanton / The Detroit News

February 28, 2006

General Motors Corp. and auto supplier Delphi Corp. will start offering a new benefit this summer that will allow workers to withdraw money on a tax-free basis in retirement.

The companies are among the first major U.S. employers to offer a so-called Roth 401(k) program, a new retirement plan Congress began allowing in January to encourage Americans to save more.

The plans could become more common as auto companies move away from traditional pension plans and ask employees to share more of the cost of preparing for retirement.

"What we see is a general trend of companies trying to be more flexible in the benefits they're offering," said Linda Burwell, partner at Nemeth Burwell PC, a Detroit legal firm with expertise in workplace issues.

Under a Roth 401(k), employees make contributions with after-tax dollars, which grow tax-free in an account over time. Then, once workers reach either age 59 1/2 or have had the account for at least five years, they can withdraw the money tax-free.

By contrast, a traditional 401(k) allows workers to contribute pre-tax dollars, thereby lowering the income they're taxed on each year. But they pay taxes on the money when they take it out.

GM and Delphi will offer a Roth 401(k) as an option alongside their existing 401(k) plans and other employee-directed savings plans.

"It's purely on an up-to-you basis" if employees want to join, GM spokesman Robert Herta said.

High-income earners could benefit most from the program because it allows them to diversify savings and limit tax liabilities associated with being in higher income brackets.

The benefit will be available to about 141,000 GM workers and 37,000 at Delphi, who will be notified of the perk in the coming weeks before it is added in July.

GM and Delphi hourly workers represented by the United Auto Workers union will have access to the plan through their 2003 collective bargaining agreements, which made provisions for the program, said UAW spokesman Paul Krell.

Other Detroit automakers said they have no plans to add Roth 401(k) programs.

"It's our feeling that we already offer a broad range of good opportunities for savings for our employees," said Dave Elshoff, spokesman for DaimlerChrysler AG's Chrysler Group.

"If we were going to have a new savings plan, we would let our employees know about it first," said Tom Hoyt, a Ford Motor Co. spokesman.

In late 2005, 34 percent of 223 large employers surveyed said they were likely to add Roth 401(k) plans to their employee retirement options this year, according to Hewitt Associates.

But a major corporation like GM could spur others to adopt plans more quickly.

"Nobody the size of GM has done it yet," said David Kudla, CEO of Mainstay Capital Management LLC in Grand Blanc.

You can reach Brett Clanton at (313) 222-2612 or bclanton@detnews.com.

Now, this ain't a bad idea to get enrolled in (if we get it). Lord only knows what options we will have in a new contract with the company that will be coming in the next few months.

Keep hanging on...

OK, to address Sister Kathy's concerns, she's right...at $12.50 an hour, we won't have much to put in any 401(k).
So there...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Pictures From the Rally...

Sister Kathy, Sister Susie & Brother Mike Posted by Picasa

The Dreaded Corporate Rat Posted by Picasa

The best rally sign...ever. Posted by Picasa

Yeah, that's what I think, too... Posted by Picasa

Sister Kathy Posted by Picasa

Brother Andy Posted by Picasa

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Rally for the Valley...

Don't forget...

This Saturday, February 25th @ 12:00 noon

The Rally for the Valley on Courthouse Square in downtown Warren.

I'll be there, you be there too!


Monday, February 20, 2006

From the IUE-CWA Legal Staff (Maybe)...

OK, so I was wrong...apparently, I was the only person surprised by the fact that Steve-O didn't file the motion on Friday. Let me pass on some information that I just received in my email that is being attributed to the IUE-CWA legal staff...do not take this for the gospel truth, always try to get clarification from your committeman or the Hall...

As you know, the 1113/1114 motion is a request under bankruptcy law, to legally terminate the current IUE-CWA/DELPHI Agreement. On 2-10-06, I asked the question "If Delphi files this motion, are we essentially working without a contract and can Delphi just throw out any benefit or provision they want?

The answer, handed down from our IUE-CWA Legal Staff, was NO. IF and When Delphi files the motion in court, the judge must set a court date within 6 weeks to hear Delphi's reasoning for the request to terminate the agreement. Our legal staff, on behalf of the IUE, would have until that date to file objections which will also be heard at this court date.

What could happen next?
2 things:
1) The Judge can impose a mandatory date to begin negotiations. 2) The Judge can impose the last best contract offer, which will replace our current agreement. As of now, the last best offer is the one that includes the $12.00 beginning wage tier. I've been told that any provision that costs Delphi money has been altered in this last agreement, which would include pension supplements. Now, whether or not you're already retired or you decide to retire in the near future; The PBGC must guarantee your pension if you have the credits earned.

What happens next if the judge imposes the last best contract on us?
Our union then would bring home copies of this agreement and set up a meeting for our membership to vote on it. If it's ratified, then we live with it for the next 6 years, if what I'm being told is correct. The 6 year contract is Steve Miller's demand. If we vote it down, then we go on strike. Once we go on strike our benefits will end at the end of that current month. If you happen to be on Sick Leave on the first day of strike, your benefits can be discontinued at the end of that month also. If you work strike duty, you can earn $200. strike pay starting on the 15th day of the strike, and $300. beginning on the 29th day. Health care expenses can be submitted to CWA relief fund for consideration. So that we are prepared, your commiteeperson will be around next week to register you for CWA Member! s Relief Fund Certification.

It is Judge Drain's sole responsibility to ensure that Delphi emerges from bankruptcy. The union's contention is that the judge would be ill advised to force that last $12.00/hr agreement on us, before negotiations in good faith take place. A mass strike isn't going to help Delphi's emergence from bankruptcy. Let's hope they're right.

Should I retire now, in the event that our contract is terminated?
At this time, there is nothing concrete that suggests that retiring now will be any more safe than retiring after a 1114 motion being filed. . This is frustrating, I know, but there are too many X factors subject to change. When your employer is in bankruptcy protection, the only sure thing is that your pension is also protected by the PBGC. They can't take away your pension credits. I hope our legal staff provides us with information to help you make an informed decision.

Can I retire when we're on strike?
The 30 and Out language could be thrown out, so therefore someone wanting to retire would be at the mercy of Delphi and the court.

How can Delphi file bankruptcy based ONLY on it's North America Operations?
I'm waiting on a web address that provides the official legal reference explaining how they can get away with this. What I do know, is that no Corporation can file bankruptcy for a division outside of the U.S., because it wasn't legally incorporated in the U.S.

I was never told that the Delphi Stock I bought was exclusive to only the North America Operations, isn't that fraud?
I heard the same question asked on AM 570 to two of our Congressmen, and one of them explained that this action has been checked and double checked. Is it wrong and dishonest, YES. Is it a legal action, unfortunately with NAFTA, GATT, and The WTO, a loophole has been created to allow U.S. Corporations to tunnel and funnel the money THAT WE MADE here in Warren and invest it in operations over seas . Then they say oops, we're broke. What a racket. Why do you think the Anti-WTO Demonstrations are so violent. It's scary , and it's going to get worse before it gets better. I have also requested the specific legal reference that spells out their right to reserve the over seas operation profits from Delphi's U.S. Operation! s. Will we ever buy Delphi Stock again? Survey Says: Hell No.

Like I said, I received that in my email from my buddy, Poopy, and it seems to have some pretty good information in it. It is being attributed to someone named "Rick", but I don't know who he is, so thanks, Rick.

Keep cool, guys...

Thursday, February 16, 2006

In My (Not So) Humble Opinion...

Well, here we are, kids...the day before another court deadline. Personally, I think that the chances are pretty good that the paperwork will be filed in bankruptcy court tomorrow. I could be wrong (wouldn't be the first time). I think that if they do, it will be to light a fire under Rick Wagoner's ass, and get GM to pony up the bucks to keep us off the picket lines.

I don't do this often, but kudos to Donny Arbogast for a splendid letter.

As we traverse this obstacle course over the next couple of months, I hope everybody keeps a cool head about them. Let's not get all crazy. And remember when you're working out, concentrate on your lower body strength...it will make it easier to flip cars on the picket line.

Cross your fingers, guys...


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Our Jobs, Our Dignity...

To the members of IUE-CWA local 717, welcome... I'm starting this particular blog dedicated to providing some good information to the membership of local 717. Hopefully it will be a place to make sense of the multitude of rumors circulating on the shop floor these days. If you know me personally, and a lot of you do, you know I'm going to be a smart ass about it too. Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride, kids...
