Let the Frenzy Begin...
Good afternoon, people. I'd like to say that I'm surprised by some of the things I've seen and heard this week concerning the behavior of our membership, but, I can't. Since I'm no longer in the business of trying to make friends and influence people around here (I ever was?), it's time to go off on some people. Starting with the hall (what a surprise!).
There was one, count 'em, one question I asked at the 'informational' meeting held at Harding... Who will be getting the information about TRA & NAFTA-TAA for the membership? I got a couple of emphatic "WE ARE"s from Kevin & Gary. Now, as I have heard from more than one source, the hall ISN'T RETURNING PHONE CALLS THAT ARE COMING FROM CONGRESSMAN RYAN'S OFFICE!!!!!!! Timmy's office is trying to garner some information from the hall about the employees that are going to be, and have already, separated from Delphi, and SOMEONE can't be bothered to return the phone calls to the representative from his office. Thanks a fucking lot, guys.
Next, no matter what decision you made during this buyout fiasco, guess what, Sparky, IT WAS YOUR DECISION, AND NO ONE ELSE'S! You do not have the right to verbally go after another member because you don't like the fact that you made your decision based on what someone else was going to do, and then they changed their minds. If you are having pangs of regret about the choice you made, I'm sorry, but it's no one else's fault but your own. No one is going to truly know if they made the right choice for quite some time, whether they are staying or going. So stop trying to make everyone else miserable. There's already enough misery to go around, you can keep yours to yourself.
There, now don't you all feel better?...
There was one, count 'em, one question I asked at the 'informational' meeting held at Harding... Who will be getting the information about TRA & NAFTA-TAA for the membership? I got a couple of emphatic "WE ARE"s from Kevin & Gary. Now, as I have heard from more than one source, the hall ISN'T RETURNING PHONE CALLS THAT ARE COMING FROM CONGRESSMAN RYAN'S OFFICE!!!!!!! Timmy's office is trying to garner some information from the hall about the employees that are going to be, and have already, separated from Delphi, and SOMEONE can't be bothered to return the phone calls to the representative from his office. Thanks a fucking lot, guys.
Next, no matter what decision you made during this buyout fiasco, guess what, Sparky, IT WAS YOUR DECISION, AND NO ONE ELSE'S! You do not have the right to verbally go after another member because you don't like the fact that you made your decision based on what someone else was going to do, and then they changed their minds. If you are having pangs of regret about the choice you made, I'm sorry, but it's no one else's fault but your own. No one is going to truly know if they made the right choice for quite some time, whether they are staying or going. So stop trying to make everyone else miserable. There's already enough misery to go around, you can keep yours to yourself.
There, now don't you all feel better?...
At 8/19/2006 7:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Live with your decision and don't be mad at someone else that didn't make the same one as u did.Remember there is no right answer for everyone. Now the rumors have started sense there going to be short that they may let some retract there papers still.God i hope not but seeing some of the stupid shit that has been done over the years I never rule anything out.
At 8/21/2006 3:50 PM,
Spencemo said…
I really can't see them allowing anyone to pull their paperwork now. It would open up too large a can of worms.
At 8/24/2006 8:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
would like to have been a fly on the wall when I seen you talking to K. Hartill the other day...
At 8/24/2006 10:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm certain that your quest for answers from union officials would be analogous to entering a round room, being told to look in the corner. The Union and Delphi are not the most reliable sources for information, but its all we've got. For those staying, the fun is just beginning. I, for one, am standing my ground with a mixture of nonchalance and frustration. I'm movin' on.
At 8/25/2006 1:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah,.. what did our next Union President have to say?
At 8/25/2006 4:26 AM,
Spencemo said…
Basically, he said that whoever told me that was feeding me a line of bullshit. He says that he is in contact with Tim Ryan's office every day. He says that it is a lie. Well, the people that told me aren't liars, and I don't know the person in Tim's office, so, there you have it. It now becomes a 'He said - He said', and people will believe who they want to believe.
At 8/26/2006 8:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well.. coming from someone that has worked down The Hall for almost 10 years I have to say that there are many good hard working people down there. Yes, they devote more loyalty and allegiance to their own core platoon, than they do the membership; but I'm dead certain that most of them are honest.
Let's not let a few bad apples rot our opinion of every person down "The Hall."
Blanket Generalizations are clumsy and irresponsible. They don't make ya come off to smart either.
My opinion.
At 8/27/2006 10:43 AM,
Spencemo said…
I don't know about a few 'bad apples', but the behavior towards the representatives that aren't their 'core platoon' is disingenuous at best. And, not to use a 'blanket generalization', that refers to the Shop Chairman, the Assistant to the Shop Chairman, and a particular male Sub-Chairman named Ray.
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