Nuff Said...

...and $140,000. The above shirt can be found at the AFL-CIO shop online.
Yeah, I signed my papers today, and I could just puke. Getting drunk isn't an option (at least not today), so I'll just go to kickboxing tonight and kick the shit out of the bag (cheaper than therapy), since there aren't any Delphi executives within easy reach. So now it's just a slow, Bataan Death March through my 7 day waiting period (what, am I buying a handgun? I don't want to wait seven days...I'm angry NOW!).
I was greeted on my way back to plant 15 from personnel by a guy I worked with at Thomas Road, and we've decided we are going to start rating the days on a shitiness meter. Well, I don't know what his scale is going to look like, but mine will go something like this: on the low end, tripping over a cat box, on the high end, ass-deep in elephant shit. A good median would probably be like stepping in a pile in your backyard. Today was just a bit past stinky squish in the soles of my shoes. As the title of today's post indicates...nuff said.
At 8/08/2006 9:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
My two cents...I don't believe there's much of a future at Delphi that I'd want to be a part of. You'd think I wasn't much for book learnin', seeing as I ended that last sentence with a preposition. But I shall take my pittance and saunter over to one of the local learnin' establishments, then go into business for myself. Good luck to all.
Our management and union leadership were dismal failures at communication and leadership. Such teamwork, to wit: the top guys will all take their money and run. Anyone heard from Battenberg or Dawes lately? Don and Gary fled yet? I will exit in a dignified manner with my head up. I will thrust a mighty middle finger high into the afternoon sunshine, not at the friends I'm leaving, but to those in trusted positions who have failed us so miserably on so many occassions. Again, heads up, looking forward, ready...set...go
At 8/10/2006 12:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Your attitude and humility are refreshing. To write a sentence, notice it ending in a preposition, and leave it, is certainly something to hang your hat on on on.
Good luck, hypno. I'm certain you won't need it.
At 8/10/2006 8:22 PM,
Spencemo said…
We, have nothing to hang our heads about - even though we are losing our jobs. We, the people that showed up every day, did our jobs, and did our level best to keep the Wire Palace running, that is. The less than reliable among us are stealing that $140,000, seeing as their (lack of) work ethic is part of the reason we're in this mess. I will take my severance, to boldly go head first into some of that book learnin' I need to get myself another high paying gig.
Oh, and there's a split infinitive for you to chew on for a little while!
At 8/11/2006 12:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Having mulled over the scenario, Delphi has left me little choice.
Yikes. The dangling participle rears its ugly head.
At 8/11/2006 12:54 AM,
Anonymous said…
The wire palace dies
Folks had a better offer
The noose is now loose
Haiku anyone?
At 8/14/2006 12:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
To even suggest that your trials in any way mimmick the Bataan Death March is really, really stupid.
At 8/14/2006 5:26 PM,
Spencemo said…
To the new anonymous...
If you don't have the balls to identify yourself, piss off and don't come back.
At 8/14/2006 5:54 PM,
Spencemo said…
...And another thing, learn how to spell. Mimmick isn't a word.
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