No, No, NO!...
Just the other day, I was reminded of a rumor I had heard and forgot about. On Jimmy's message board, a member calling himself colton asked this question...
"if you have a car loan from gmac can they take that money out of the buyout?"
Well, I answered the question there, and I will also answer it here, in slightly more detail. The answer is an emphatic NO! My wonderful husband, being a automotive finance guru, checked in with his rep at GMAC to get a definitive answer for me and my peeps. General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC, for short) is a bank, and is therefore limited to the laws that regulate banks. That means, even though you are about to come into a sizeable chunk of change, the only way that they can put their grubby little hands on it is...
"if you have a car loan from gmac can they take that money out of the buyout?"
Well, I answered the question there, and I will also answer it here, in slightly more detail. The answer is an emphatic NO! My wonderful husband, being a automotive finance guru, checked in with his rep at GMAC to get a definitive answer for me and my peeps. General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC, for short) is a bank, and is therefore limited to the laws that regulate banks. That means, even though you are about to come into a sizeable chunk of change, the only way that they can put their grubby little hands on it is...
- First, you have to be behind in your payments to them and...
- Secondly, they would have had to already gotten approval through the courts to attach your wages. They just can't take your money without the permission of the courts. If your loan is current, your money remains yours.
- Third, even if they do have permission from the courts to attach your wages, they can only take the amount that you are behind, not the whole amount of the loan. Capiche?
Right of SetOff
You agree that the Credit Union may, unless prohibited by
law, use the funds in your account to pay off any obligation or
debt, whether direct or indirect, as borrower, guarantor, endorser
or otherwise, you have with the Credit Union. If your account is
a joint account and one or more joint owners are indebted to us
in any manner, we may use the funds in the joint account to pay
the debt, without notifying you in advance. We may exercise
our right of setoff at any time without prior notice to you or to
any joint owner in the case of a joint account. If we exercise our
right of setoff against your account, you agree to release and
indemnify the Credit Union from all liability for its actions. The
right of setoff does not apply if the debt is created under a
consumer credit card plan or your right to withdraw funds from
the account arises only in a representative capacity. Our right
to setoff is automatic and superior to any claims on the account
arising through right of survivorship.
You agree that the Credit Union may, unless prohibited by
law, use the funds in your account to pay off any obligation or
debt, whether direct or indirect, as borrower, guarantor, endorser
or otherwise, you have with the Credit Union. If your account is
a joint account and one or more joint owners are indebted to us
in any manner, we may use the funds in the joint account to pay
the debt, without notifying you in advance. We may exercise
our right of setoff at any time without prior notice to you or to
any joint owner in the case of a joint account. If we exercise our
right of setoff against your account, you agree to release and
indemnify the Credit Union from all liability for its actions. The
right of setoff does not apply if the debt is created under a
consumer credit card plan or your right to withdraw funds from
the account arises only in a representative capacity. Our right
to setoff is automatic and superior to any claims on the account
arising through right of survivorship.
That, simply stated, means if you have money in your account at the credit union, and, you have a loan with the credit union, they can AT ANY TIME take your money to pay your loan without your consent. And, if I read this correctly, you don't even have to be behind in your loan payments, either. Blows, huh?
I know I'm going to regret this, but, if you have any questions about this, leave a comment, and I'll get back to you on it, OK?
I know I'm going to regret this, but, if you have any questions about this, leave a comment, and I'll get back to you on it, OK?
At 9/14/2006 9:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ever vigilant, Dawn comes through as always. I, too, heard of an individual who had one of those deals where they took a bunch of his money. Sad, but completely legal.
Just be ready - the fun at Delphi is just beginning. The job offers, the hiring that's beginning shortly, the bad attitudes, the union and management lies ramped up exponentially. And those of us staying till the end, but still signed to leave, will amble zombie-like through a haze of conversations we no longer care about, hearing the bitching, and ultimately assessing the lunacy about to be perpetrated on us all by a Company too far gone to be truthful to us, and a Union that didn't fight for my job. They can stop the union dues any time now, thank you.
We get a raise Monday...
At 9/15/2006 3:23 PM,
Spencemo said…
Yeah, I'm not saying that the credit unions WILL do that sort of thing to our membership, but they can.
At 9/19/2006 3:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hear there hiring a bunch of temps. Well, that ain't gonna work out. Just seems stupid when y'all could of stayed.
At 9/19/2006 7:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Could of??
At 9/20/2006 4:22 AM,
Spencemo said…
I know, it's a crime against proper English. It'll be OK...
At 9/24/2006 9:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good grammer never got me a raise at Packard. Hell I dont even make my rate.
At 9/25/2006 11:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
It seems that many of our departing members feel it necessary to "Whack" the Union. As many union reps recall it was some of these critics who were continuously being represented because they did not want to come to work. Now, it is someone else's fault that their world is falling apart. Spare me!!!
At 9/26/2006 4:24 AM,
Spencemo said…
Well, that wasn't me. I've had about 3 union calls in the entire time I've been at Packard.
At 10/02/2006 5:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
Someone needs to look harder!Awoman that worked at Lordstown plant had here house&car through GMAC and they took the money out of her buyout money to pay off both loans and left her with almost nothing.You need to check again!!!!!!
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