Spencemo for Hire: The Bitch is Back!

NOTE: This website is neither endorsed or sponsored by IUE-CWA Local 717. And, since I took the buyout, I guess neither am I!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Let the Frenzy Begin...

Good afternoon, people. I'd like to say that I'm surprised by some of the things I've seen and heard this week concerning the behavior of our membership, but, I can't. Since I'm no longer in the business of trying to make friends and influence people around here (I ever was?), it's time to go off on some people. Starting with the hall (what a surprise!).

There was one, count 'em, one question I asked at the 'informational' meeting held at Harding... Who will be getting the information about TRA & NAFTA-TAA for the membership? I got a couple of emphatic "WE ARE"s from Kevin & Gary. Now, as I have heard from more than one source, the hall ISN'T RETURNING PHONE CALLS THAT ARE COMING FROM CONGRESSMAN RYAN'S OFFICE!!!!!!! Timmy's office is trying to garner some information from the hall about the employees that are going to be, and have already, separated from Delphi, and SOMEONE can't be bothered to return the phone calls to the representative from his office. Thanks a fucking lot, guys.

Next, no matter what decision you made during this buyout fiasco, guess what, Sparky, IT WAS YOUR DECISION, AND NO ONE ELSE'S! You do not have the right to verbally go after another member because you don't like the fact that you made your decision based on what someone else was going to do, and then they changed their minds. If you are having pangs of regret about the choice you made, I'm sorry, but it's no one else's fault but your own. No one is going to truly know if they made the right choice for quite some time, whether they are staying or going. So stop trying to make everyone else miserable. There's already enough misery to go around, you can keep yours to yourself.

There, now don't you all feel better?...

Monday, August 14, 2006

It's Midnight, Cinderella...

At least it is for me, anyway. My clock has officially struck midnight, and now I get to wait and see 'when business dictates' I leave Delphi. I'm hoping not until after the first of the year. One thing I will say, is that they finally did what they should have been doing all along on the "Attrition Scorecard", and that's let us know how many people were past their revocation period. That was a valuable piece of information that was missing until today. And, since I'm talking about it, the number that could revoke their paperwork was a little over a thousand, as of 8:00 this morning, just in case you were wondering.

Now, new policy, for anyone who chooses to comment on my posts. If you're going to take the time to leave a negative comment and call me stupid (really, the nerve of some people), then have the balls to identify yourself. If you're not willing to say who you are, then fuck off and don't come back. Besides, I am well read, and well versed in WWII history, and I'm very aware that my situation doesn't truly mimic the Bataan Death March, you moron. It was merely a metaphor used to illustrate how I feel about the long, torturous, 7 day wait between signing my papers and my actual D-Day (look, another WWII reference! I'm on a roll now!).

Peace, y'all...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Nuff Said...

...and $140,000. The above shirt can be found at the AFL-CIO shop online.

Yeah, I signed my papers today, and I could just puke. Getting drunk isn't an option (at least not today), so I'll just go to kickboxing tonight and kick the shit out of the bag (cheaper than therapy), since there aren't any Delphi executives within easy reach. So now it's just a slow, Bataan Death March through my 7 day waiting period (what, am I buying a handgun? I don't want to wait seven days...I'm angry NOW!).

I was greeted on my way back to plant 15 from personnel by a guy I worked with at Thomas Road, and we've decided we are going to start rating the days on a shitiness meter. Well, I don't know what his scale is going to look like, but mine will go something like this: on the low end, tripping over a cat box, on the high end, ass-deep in elephant shit. A good median would probably be like stepping in a pile in your backyard. Today was just a bit past stinky squish in the soles of my shoes. As the title of today's post indicates...nuff said.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I'm Having Deja Vu...

For today's entry, I was just going to post the latest Q & A that was distributed, but, I have a few things to say first (shocking, I know). At a time when information is CRITICAL to this membership, why, oh why, is the hall still playing stupid, immature political games? The newest Q & A is at the very center of these games. This document was created a week ago, however, the hall never gave it to the reps for distribution (they got it from Labor Relations today, mind you, not the hall), all the while wanting to know why they hadn't handed them out yet. Now, how can one be expected to pass out information that they don't have?

Oh, and about those questions and answers...they all seemed vaguely familiar to me...could it be because they had already been posted (unofficially, of course) on Jimmy's web site, in a conversation with Mark Cashdollar? So, either Jimmy has some good information on his website, or he's a fucking psychic. Either way, his site is not the bunch of shit that the hall told him it was.

Now that I'm done running off at the keyboard...here's the latest Q & A...

Follow-up Questions and Answers
Special Attrition Program
Dated June 16, 2006

Q1. If I take the buyout will I be eligible for State Unemployment?
A. Eligibility for Unemployment Compensation is determined by the State of Ohio. It would be Delphi’s intent to challenge any payment of unemployment compensation related to employees taking the buyout.

Q2. If I take the buyout will I receive Trade Readjustment Act consideration?
A. Consideration for Trade Readjustment benefits is not automatic. Employees or the Union may petition the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and request the benefits. Eligibility is determined solely by the DOL, and Delphi will cooperate with the DOL as they review any requests.

Q3. If I decided not to participate in the attrition package, and I did not have enough seniority to hold one of the 1,033 jobs, what would happen to me?
A. Management has proposed to the Union to eliminate the current job security provisions. In the case where the job security provisions were eliminated, employees not required would be indefinitely laid-off.

Q4. If I was indefinitely laid-off, would I receive State Unemployment compensation?
A. Yes – provided you meet the criteria established by the State of Ohio.

Q5. How much would I receive from State Unemployment?
A. Approximately $330 per week for 26 weeks for an employee with no dependents. The total amount for the 26 weeks would be approximately $8,600.

Q6. What happens after the 26 weeks?
A. You would not receive additional Unemployment Compensation unless your eligibility status were to change

Q7. If I decided not to participate in the attrition package and were eventually laid-off would I receive Supplemental Unemployment Benefits (SUB) under the 2003 Delphi / IUE-CWA National Agreement?
A. Management has proposed to the Union to eliminate the SUB provisions.

Q8. If management is successful in eliminating the job security and the supplemental unemployment benefit provisions of the agreement, I would only receive State Unemployment compensation in the event of an indefinite lay-off?
A. Yes – If you were eligible for UC you would receive approximately $330/week for 26 weeks or around $8,600 (an individual with no dependents).

Q9. If I decided not to participate in the attrition package and were eventually laid-off, could I at that time elect to participate in the attrition package?
A. The last day to elect one of the options of the attrition package is Wednesday, August 9th. Form A and B must be returned to Hourly Personnel by 5:00 pm.

There, now don't you feel more informed? Unofficially, of course...

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign...

Thanks, Jimmy. If you can, print this and post it all over the place. Including the hall!
